Paper, Paper, Paper... and a Little More Paper

Piles and piles of scrapbook paper have taken over my craft table. I literally can not see the top of my desk. Even after letting my daughters attack my supplies and use what ever their little hearts desire, I am still over loaded with paper. So.... why not put it to good use. Here are a few projects I have been working on recently. More to come soon.


I'm Back!

Blonde, once again. Hopefully I will be able to channel my inner crafting addict and get back to creating. *Hopefully*


Beauty through the eyes of a child.

Give a child a box of "scraps" and you will be amazed with what they create. I let my daughters use just about any if my crafting supplies. But more often then not, they are just as happy with my scraps bin as they are my "high quality" products. After about ten minutes to the craft table, Ashleigh started working on a series of "faces" out of scraps. Here are her first two.

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