
     I'm not going to lie... you're stuck in my head and I want you gone. I don't need a distraction from you. They just simply don't work. I want you gone. I have fought with myself quietly over this. I have tried to reason. I have been polite. But I am done asking you to leave. GET OUT. That's all there is to it. You don't deserve to be occupying my thoughts. Not even for one little second. I have worked to hard to let you creep in and distract my life. I am not letting you make one more mark in my life. You carry with you too much frustration and I am done with you. For something so small, you have made a huge impact on my life in the past...."but".

     "But" nothing. "But"... you have put fear into my dreams when they should have been filled with excitement. "But"... you put doubt in my mind and clouded my heart. "But"... you stopped me from taking that first step when I could see the path laid out right in front of me. "But". "But".... nothing.

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