After hearing Graham Colton's "Let it Go" (and no, this is not "Frozen" related at all) for the first time, I couldn't stop playing it. It reminds me of just how easy it is in life to hold on to things that really do not have a place in our world anymore. Things that have hurt us. People who have left. It is so easy to live a life were you hold onto the pain. But when you hold on to something, when you keep it buried in your heart and refuse to release it, you are creating a barrier so that there is no room for anything else to enter your heart. Over the past few years, I have had to let go of certain people that were toxic for my soul. I should have released some of these people from my heart and my world years ago. But that is so much easier said than done. It is so much easier to sit there and wish that someone would just disappear from your life. To wish that you could just erase all memories relating to them. To erase the pain that they have caused rather than working through it. Despite many efforts in the past to "delete" certain people from my heart, they are still there. I have come to the conclusion that moving on doesn't mean forgetting. It just simply means letting go. It means knowing that this person or this memory with never disappear completely. In one way or another, they will always be a part of your life. They are a part of your past. And whether or not you recognize it, they will have some sort of affect on your future. They have changed the way you see things to an extent. Letting go means that despite this, you are still able to move forward with an open heart and ready for love.
Here are some great tips to help you forgive and let it go.
Realize that we are all human:
We are all human. We all make mistakes Not a single one of us is perfect.. Whether we mean to or not, at one point or another, we have all hurt someone in the past. Trying to figure out if someone is hurting you intentionally or accidentally is one of the first steps towards forgiveness. It is sometimes much easier to forgive someone who genuinely means well.
Forgiveness goes both ways:
We all need forgiveness. At one point or another in life, you have probably done something that hurt someone else. When someone hurts you, try to remember how it feels to be on the other side of the problem. If you are a genuinly kind person, more than likely you will feel remorse when hurting someone else.Chances are, whoever hurt you feels the same.
3. Forgiveness goes both ways:
We all need forgiveness. At one point or another in life, you have probably done something that hurt someone else. When someone hurts you, try to remember how it feels to be on the other side of the problem. If you are a genuinly kind person, more than likely you will feel remorse when hurting someone else.Chances are, whoever hurt you feels the same.